Increase your revenue with automated
holiday sales

UpsellGlobal automates sales on your Shopify store by creating discounts, showing banners and sending you reminders on 200+ holidays across 100+ countries.

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Never miss a sale opportunity. Subscribe for notifications of upcoming holidays.


Upsell with discounts

Sell more to your Shopify store visitors with discount deals shown on holidays they know


Full Automation

Discount banners show on the right dates to the right customer. No work needed on your side.

Full Localization

Banners display to only customers in the relevant country. For eg, your german visitors will see Oktoberfest discount banner. Visitors from others countries will not see this.

Full Customization

Add your own flavor to a variety of simple but beautiful banner templates. Change text, images and colors to fit your brand.

Full Control

Set your discount rates. Turn sales on and off to meet your business goals.

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UpsellGlobal is free for now. We will introduce paid plans after we add more enterprise features.

Why should I give discounts?

If done right, discounts can be a great way to convert on-the-fence leads and to upsell existing users. Many saas businesses, from early stage to post PMF stage, use discounts to entice users to try their plans. You can upsell existing users by offering them discounts to your more expensive plans.

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